Launchy Review:best search utility



Product Information:

  • Title          : Launchy 
  • Author      :Josh Karlin.
  • Product URL :
  • Supported OS  : Windows XP, Vista , 7 and 8.
  • Price :  Donation ware (free to use ).

Searching for files, folders, or applications on your computer has never been easier.There are ton of search utilities that'll get the job done for you,but which ones worth your time? 
Launchy is a utility created by Josh Karlin that takes superbar concept and make it even better. Launchy not only open only applications and documents for you, but you can actually go above and beyond in such a way that it will actually make Windows much cooler even without touching the mouse. You can issue commands ,open webpages and can even perform basic math calculation within the app.  So yeah...!

As far as the interface is concerned, it is surprising how customizable it is.You can adjust the opacity and fading effects,window positioning, how typing suggestions are delivered, and there is even a portable mode, which allows you to carry a self customized version of Launchy, with your preferences stored in INI files. By default the command to make Launchy active is ALT+SPACEBAR . This can be changed as well if you have that key combination reserved for something else.

Plugins for Launchy, which help extend the functionality of the tool, are also available for the author's site. One plugin that is useful is kitty, which gives  you the power to end applications and processes without having to touch Task Manager.

you can download all the plugin from the author website.

Launchy is an impressive utility that complements the windows desktop nicely by adding multi-purpose " action center ". It not only open application directly but also help us open URL's and also with some basic math calculation which is way too helpful than superbar.

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